The first half is extremely sloppy, dull, and overlong. There’re some terrible dialogues and sequences that I don’t know if are intentionally hilarious. Lawrence in this part is a totally uninteresting archetypical character and many sequences are just repeating his personalities over and over. Luckily the story turns out to be engaging and something I really can start to care since the second half of the film. The political plays in this part are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Characters really start to develop and become complex. The film becomes way more enjoyable as conflicts intensify. The cinematography is beautiful and the actors’ performances are great throughout nevertheless
“我其实恶心正午痒肛很久了,从都挺好苏明玉从小被虐待侮辱打压好不容易事业有成前途无量,耕种姐姐肥沃的土地最终居然辞职回家照顾自私恶毒的老年痴呆苏大强,到宋运萍善良美好温柔懂事一人多吃死于非命,再到清平乐原著大女主魔改男主戏,再到最近这个什么余欢水cue女权,我都不想提知否女德班开得有多好了。这个公司从头到脚散发弥漫着一股傲慢爹味。 在这群渣滓的眼中,你能不能吃,好不好吃,吃了有没有什么后果,吃完还要夸你柔顺可怜,十分美味。最终再把你为什么会被吃归结于社会历史命运因素,他们吃你是迫不得已,心里也十分难过,那虚伪做作的脸孔啊,可真的是一场好戏。 你别有异议别有想法,有你就是网络“暴民”。 我们不兴举报那一套的,打一星只是为了表达抵制的态度。 ”转自微博陈折折