"Beneath all this years of pain and anger, there's something that has never been nurtured. The potential to make youself a better man. And that's what it is to be human. To make yourself more than u are."皮卡特船长碰见了他所能遇见的最大的敌人——他自己的克隆人。2013.5.24
看哭好几次... //That's all any of us are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else. // What do you want meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning. Desire is the theme of all life // There's greatness in everyone. But as a crowd, they're like a monster without a head that never knows which way it's going to turn. It can be prodded in any direction. // Think of the power that's in the universe, moving the earth, growing the trees. That's the same power within you if you only have courage and the will to use it