3 Sundance #3; Ishiguro gives Ikiru a sprinkle of poignancy distinctive in his literary works, and his screenplay successfully transplants this story to 1950s England, a period the director replicates aptly both in its appearance and its texture. However, Living does feel rushed at times and inevitably lives in the shadow of its Japanese counterpart. The first half of the film gives too little time to establish the setting, so while the life of Mr. Williams stands on itself, the final satire on the British bureaucracy comes especially less pointed and even disjointed from the rest of the film. Certain actions also feel out of space and added simply for being faithful to the original film
只为那些未公开影像。流水账;结尾以courtney结束是有多恶心,无言以对,鹧鸪哨网站好像kurt人生之重是这样结束的一样 if you really love it you either do not like Kurt or really are a piece of shit